
Positive Impact of Video Games


Many of the games released are just for pure entertainment. This does not require more commitment from the player, in addition to enjoying the events presented. From games like Grand Theft Auto, rather, should not expect that they will help people with problems.

However, this does not mean that we should evaluate the entire cultural sector equally. Gems like Minecraft have clearly shown us that if we give players the appropriate tools, they use Them much better than the creators themselves can imagine.

positive impact of games – But let’s go back to our research

By the way, Minecraft is quite an interesting production. On the one hand, we have kids recording hundreds of identical videos about tree cutting.  On the other are people ascending monumental buildings, as well as design processors using a few simple mechanisms. Against such creativity can not pass by, and certainly can not say that this is just an empty entertainment.

I dare say that this way of spending free time is much more valuable than the absorption of the next season of the series.

But let’s go back to our research. As I mentioned earlier, healing games don’t have much to do with entertainment itself. Healthy people entertainment can, by the way, make a profit, but if you expand the audience also to those who have problems, for example, with concentration, the case becomes much more difficult.

positive impact of games - But let's go back to our research

A complex strategy, and not this concentration to improve, can only prevent the further exercises. It is therefore necessary to conduct further research and testing to make it possible to create products adapted to specific needs, but in a more attractive form than has been the case so far. Games suitable for the treatment of children should be, for example, devoid of violence.

positive impact of games … BUT IS IT?

With our attention to health is very different, but in all this madness need to remember a few things. We can’t let all the positive impact of games get us pleasure from the game. It’s like running-some people work mostly for health and exercise, but on the other hand there are those who run just for fun.

Both of them often argue about what the purpose of running is, but this is not so. When we are forced to pleasure, then very quickly they can become undesirable guest.

It is also worth knowing that the positive impact of games we are studying only for several years, that the scale of training is not a long period. And while everything is working in favor of the players, you can not assume that it will be so all the time. Maybe it turns out that the upcoming noisy virtual reality will work on our brains not in a very good relationship. All of this, however, needs the next dozen, if not decades of research and experimentation.

Children, playing, acquire skills

Children, playing, acquire skills that will be useful to them in adult life: multitasking, make decisions quickly, cope with failures, be consistent, perseverance in achieving the goal.

Depending on the game, learn to plan, negotiate, correct their mistakes, solve problems. And games shouldn’t have the word „educational” in the title at all to help children learn how to apply strategies and predict consequences.

Children, playing, acquire skills

A good and interesting video game has another, unrelated to the game, advantage. Awakens the curiosity of a child who wants to read books on this subject, visit museums, watch movies. It is important that parents help children choose the best games for them, regulate the time of the game, and better actively participate in the fun. Game play starlink has a PEGI 7 * – parent, so the feeling that the child can safely spend „in it” time.

Games are demonized mainly by unconscious people

The positive impact of games on cognitive ability as I wrote just a week ago, public opinion about virtual entertainment is still not too favorable for players. Games are demonized mainly by unconscious people, and the media do not facilitate the topic with their meaningless reservations. But let’s put aside the bad emotions-today I’m going to talk to you about a lot of research that has proven unequivocally that playing games can be not only good fun, but also an effective workout for our brain.

Let’s start from the beginning

Let’s start from the beginning. In the August issue of Scientific American, an interesting article was published on how, in principle, games were accidentally discovered and confirmed to have a positive effect on various cognitive abilities, such as reflexes or the ability to make quick decisions.

Let's start from the beginning

At the University of Rochester tests are conducted to check the reaction rate-at some point it turned out that one of the groups gets surprisingly good results. Painstaking analysis showed that they all played Team Fortress Classic, more than 20 hours a week. Everything that happened took place in the late 90-ies.

A good reaction will allow us to pull the trigger first.

Now, or more than 15 years later, the results of the study by Professor Daphne Bavelier have been repeatedly confirmed by other teams of scientists. It is proved that video games can be for our brain training better than even prepared specifically for this purpose a variety of exercises. In principle, this should not surprise anyone. Exercises usually focus on one thing, and in games like Call of Duty we practice several abilities at the same time. A good reaction will allow us to pull the trigger first. Insight will help in observing the enemy. Patience will save you by running under the enemy’s sight. Can be changed and changed.

Over the past 15 years, experiments conducted by both our team and laboratories around the world have shown that playing computer games can positively affect some cognitive processes.

Scientific American (World Of Science)


All these facts sound very cool, but that doesn’t mean we have to play all day. At least that’s what Professor Bavelier says. Personally, I would give up such a scientific approach a little human element, but, as a rule, it is impossible to disagree with it.


Especially if we think of the game as a kind of therapy.

Another team From the University of San Francisco, decided to check people aged 65 to 80 years, and the counterweight was twenty volunteers. This time we used a game created specifically for this purpose. NeuroRacer, because it sounds its name, in short, a simple racer that corresponds to the skill level of the rider. This could, however, be one of the hits of the Need for Speed series. What were you able to prove?

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